Hearts of Iron 2 Patch v.1.3b

Box art for Hearts of Iron 2 Patch v.1.3b For: Hearts of Iron 2
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version: v.1.3bUSA rewrote build loading AI to do a gradual buildup of land units rather than trying to build 300 divisions as soon as the war starts- USA had a change to his building of Air Transports AI to spread the build out more- SOV will build longer serial runs when his Land or Panic building AI are loaded to take advantage of the +10% gearing bonus- SOV Stalin will take over as Armament Minister when atwar- SOV Semen will take over as Chief of the Army when atwar- ENG will now research to level 5 carriers (useto stop at level 3)- USA Armament Minsiter will switch to a Resource Industrialist once atwar- USA Chief of Staff AI Minister changed slightly for atpeace and atwar- USA Chief of the Army Minister AI changed to use Marshall- SOV Fixed a bug in his build AI where he was not loading his Panic building AI- JAP will no longer build fatories- JAP will no longer mass build militia early on- JAP Armament Minister AI has been tweaked- JAP will build airfields and forts throughout the Pacific and then stop when war starts- JAP will no longer build HQs (the three he starts with is it)- JAP should build longer serial runs when atwar with CHI- JAP will no longer be in such a rush to DOW the warlords and CHC as he did before once war with CHI begins- GER will now try and keep 3 transports up at all times- CGX will send more forces to help CHI than the other warlords- GER had a bug fix where the AI events would get stuck if HUN attacked YUG with aggressive AI loaded- ITA had a bug fix where the AI events would get stuck if HUN attacked YUG with aggressive AI loaded- HOL, MON, BEL AI File events are now included in the scenario(explains why HOL never listened to Embargo)- GER had a bug fix where sometimes he would not DOW SOV- BRA had a bug fix where Getulio Vargas showed up in Romania- GER will wait to build forts till he has all the fort bonus techs- GER will never build Marines- GER will build more interceptors- GER will build more flack accross his country- GER Norway invasion improved- GER will no longer build/research armoured cars- Air AI mission weights reworked- USA has an Air AI- ENG will no longer build armoured cars and police units- ENG will no longer build Strategic Bombers in the early years- SOV will build some forts in their country- SOV will no longer build Mechanized units- SOV will no longer build Cavalry units- SOV will no longer build armoured cars and police units- USA will no longer build armoured cars and police units- USA will no longer build/research subs- ENG will no longer build/research subs- JAP will no longer research armoured cars- JAP will no longer build submarines- JAP will no longer build/research Escort Fighters- HUN\BUL\ROM sending forces to Italy if GER was human controled fixed- USA should no longer help his allies with EXP forces (causing to many issues with no DDay being launched)- CZE should give in less to HUN demands- MAN should send less troops early on to help JAP if CHI is AI controled (will send when JAP/USA atwar)- HUN should no longer research ship assembly- ITA should no longer build police/armoured cars- ITA will no longer research armoured cars- HOL capital moved fixed so it could not be exploited via the pacific- BEL capital moved fixed so it could not be exploited via Congo- SOV has a capital move AI now- FRA will no longer build Police- JAP has new front rations for Pacific war with PHI, HOL and USA- ITA garrison max lower to let more troops fight in Libya- HUN will no longer research Ship Assembly Line- Updated research prios for a bunch of minors- CAN has an Air AI- AST has an Air AI- GER had a bug fix in minster AI that put the wrong minister in Chief of Staff- GER had a minister AI change to his Chief of Army position- JAP will no longer build nor research armor divisions- JAP will no longer build nor research motorized infantry- JAP had his tech preferences enhanced- JAP will research and build CAS- JAP will ignore cavalry and Mechanized techs- TUR Neutrality raised- JAP fixed an event that was causing JAP to build armor when he shouldn't- SLO should not cave into HUN demands so easily anymore- Fixed a bug where CHI and the warlords where not research the proper Land Doctrines- ENG will no longer research Escort Fighters- SOV fixed an issue where he would DOW even when he had a non-aggression pact- CHC should be more defensive in nature vs JAP- SOV will no longer research or build Escort Fighters- CHC had changes to his Research weights- CHI will no longer research or build TAC- CHI will now research and build CAS- CHI will no longer research Cavalry- CHI will no longer research Static Anti Aircraft Guns- CHI will no longer research Anti Aircraft Brigade- CHI will research Artillery and Anti-Tank brigade- CHI had changes to his Research weights- FRA will no longer research Static Anti Aircraft Guns- FRA will no longer research Static Tank Destroyers- FRA will no longer research Static SP Guns- FRA will no longer research Static SP Rockety Artillery- FRA will no longer research Armoured Cars- FRA will no longer research Motorized Infantry- FRA will no longer research Cavalry- FRA will no longer research Mechanized Infantry- SOV will no longer research Static Anti Aircraft Guns- CGX/SIK/CSX/CXB/CYN had a bunch of research prios and ignores added- GER/ITA/SOV/JAP/CHI/FRA had Strategic Air Doctrines added to ignore list- FRA will no longer build/research subs- USA/ENG will no longer research CAS Air Doctrines- HUN/ROM/BUL will help Germany more in invading Yugoslavia- CAN/AST/SIA/MAN prefered techs and build weights have changed- COL/ECU/MEX had bug fixes to their minister AI- FRA/ENG should no longer send EXP forces to POL/DEN/CZE- POL will no longer send EXP forces to FRA/ENG- POL will no longer build any ships- ENG Homeland defense improved (OOB Changes and AI Changes)- ENG had changes to his Armament Minister AI and his Chief of the Army minister AI- FIN Tech Research and build weights redone- SWE Tech Research and build weights redone- POL Tech Research and build weights redone- ROM Tech Research and build weights redone- HUN Tech Research and build weights redone- BUL Tech Research and build weights redone- YUG Tech Research and build weights redone- GRE Tech Research and build weights redone- TUR Tech Research and build weights redone- BEL has a minister AI- BEL Tech Research and build weights redone- HOL Tech Research and build weights redone- AUS Tech Research and build weights redone- SCH Tech Research and build weights redone- CZE Tech Research and build weights redone- NOR Tech Research and build weights redone- SPA/SPR Tech Research and build weights redone- POR Tech Research and build weights redone- MEX Tech Research and build weights redone- MEX will build up some industry- CAN will build up some industry- BRA will build up some industry- BRA Tech Research and build weights redone- ARG Tech Research and build weights redone- VEN Tech Research and build weights redone- BHU Tech Research and build weights redone- NEP Tech Research and build weights redone- CHL will build up some industry- CHL Tech Research and build weights redone- BOL has a minister AI- BOL will build up some industry- BOL Tech Research and build weights redone- PRU Tech Research and build weights redone- ECU Tech Research and build weights redone- COL Tech Research and build weights redone- SAF will build up some industry- SAF Tech Research and build weights redone- PER has a minister AI- PER will build up some industry- PER Tech Research and build weights redone- SAU Tech Research and build weights redone- AST will build up some industry- AST Tech Research and build weights redone- TAN Tech Research and build weights redone- MON Tech Research and build weights redone- SLO Tech Research and build weights redone- IRQ Tech Research and build weights redone- YEM Tech Research and build weights redone- OMN Tech Research and build weights redone- IRQ/OMN/YEM will send EXP forces to the UK- LIB Tech Research and build weights redone- LIB will send EXP forces to the UK/USA- NZL Tech Research and build weights redone- TIB Tech Research and build weights redone- AFG Tech Research and build weights redone- IRE Tech Research and build weights redone- HON Tech Research and build weights redone- COS Tech Research and build weights redone- GUA Tech Research and build weights redone- HAI Tech Research and build weights redone- PAN Tech Research and build weights redone- SAL Tech Research and build weights redone- CUB Tech Research and build weights redone- DOM Tech Research and build weights redone- NIC Tech Research and build weights redone- PAR Tech Research and build weights redone- CRO Tech Research and build weights redone- VIC Tech Research and build weights redone- MEN Tech Research and build weights redone- URU Tech Research and build weights redone- SOV tech teams skill increased by 2- ENG added SIK, TIB, AFK, PER and SAU to border ignore list- PHI Tech Research and build weights redone- FRA Tech Research and build weights redone- SOV will cancel his Non-Aggression pact with GER under certain conditions- POL has a minister AI- POL will buld some IC- POL Tech Research and build weights redone- FRA slight change to Chief of Army minister AI- JAP slight change to Chief of Army/Staff minister AI- ITA slight change to Chief of Army/Staff and Administrator minister AI- ENG will build paratroopers and transport planes when he starts going on the attack- USA will build paratroopers and transport planes- ENG will no longer send EXP forces to FRA/BEL/HOL/LUX (this is to avoid his airforce being destroyed on the ground)- JAP Pacific War event should fire less in early 41- Minor Build and research changes to Central America Countries- USA will build a larger carrier presences if atwar or after 1941- SOV GDE event reworked- SOV tech team adjustments
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