Hearts Of Iron 3 - Semper Fi Patch v.2.04d

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version: v.2.04d------------------------------------------------------------------------ Game Balance & Database Changes------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Major Worker Strike" Event can now give -2 NU- control_over_chihli_gulf no longer requires provinces owned by MAN- Removed port requirement from DD tech- Changkufeng Incident trigger fixed- Gave Bock some historical promotion dates so he's a FM in 1940- Operation Zet trigger- Tweaked ASW values for DDs, CLs, and Navs- Adjusted JAP leader rank dates- Province 1734 moved to emmen region- Added } to event 525- Reduced HQ strength- Fixed a bug in Bitter peace that prevented JAP getting any provinces.- Changed naval_supremacy_in_the_east triggers- Gave CHI 1 level of inf warfare and large front docs and 2 levels of supply production.- Moved some IC and VP from CHI's coast to centre.- Added some MP to CHI.- Can't create MEN while at war with CSX (prevents supply oddness)- Units moving into hostile provinces no longer regain org on the move- Outliner now sorts combats at top to make it easier to spot in multiplayer- Terrain equipment techs now properly modify attrition- Fixed an issue with historical japanese leaders not loading properly- Set low pressure zone in black sea back to 6- Added starting relations to ITA/GER- Changed several triggered modifiers so that faction members count too- Moved some FRA air units in 1940 OOB- Increased base stacking penalty to 0.1- Put FIN's DoI HQ in Finland- Player can now do strategic redeployment across to allied territory- Fixed "Destroyers for Bases" event- A revised Second Vienna Award event- Units constructed with single constructions now return manpower when canceled- Officer ration bonuses capped at 140% to give less player advantage vs ai, more officers only work as buffer- Winter war now checks FIN is NOT in allies/axis- Great Patriotic War & Transfer of Industry to Siberia events can now actually run properly- Fixed a supply drawing problem with military access when not in a faction- CHI/SOV start at 100 relations now- MR pact now gives a non agression pact with SOV.- Can now cancel drift vs faction leader countries we have ended up in war with- Increased surface detection ability of naval bombers- Tech practical limit lowered- Fixes for the Changkugfeng and Soviet industry events so they don't repeat.- Added missing oob from the "destroyers for bases" event.- A tweak to the Danish surrender event so that Denmark has to be in the Allies for it to fire- Trades will no longer auto-cancel for some nations in alliances- Mountain troops now a bit better in mountains/hills/arctic- Harsher effect of terrain type on motorized units and artillery- Units now regain organization faster when low and slower when high, bonus is right now +/-25% and moddable as LOW_ORG_REGAIN_BONUS- Terrain/weather is a bit more extreme now (colder arctic/mountains, swampier swamps etc)- Changed some terrain in NE France- Lowered infra on ITA/FRA border- Made some more SOV provinces artic- Renamed SOV BB "Black sea fleet" to "Parizhskaya Kommuna"- Fixed missing check german surrender to free polish provinces- Secede_province command in surrender events can now handle actually returning occupied provinces the way its intended- Capped supply depos during startup to get better resource distribution- Submarine torpedoes now upgradeable- Destroyers a bit stronger vs subs- General rebalancing of barbarossa scenario- Marines are a bit better in jungle terrain- Subs have a lower surprise chance but a higher bonus when it happens- Hills and arctic a bit colder- MR fighters gain more attack and defence from techs- MR fighters have a higher base speed and range- Strat bomb values tweaked down- Subs have higher morale but lower Org- Ints base speed and range lowered, cost increased- Lowered infra in less traveled areas- Brazzaville now has 20 infra again- New Orleans now has a port- Added an event to reunitie FRA and VIC- GER's surrender no longer removed ITA from the Axis- Removed the "Blockade" strategic effects as they do not work.- Fixed several strategic effects so that they also work when not in a faction.------------------------------------------------------------------------ Interface Improvements------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fixed some tech localisation- Attrition info in tooltips now correct- Adjacency indicators now placed inside province view- Fixed checking order for alliances so proper reasons for not joining are now shown- Tweaked where diplo chance messages change to make it a bit more pessimistic ( MAYBE changed from <50 to <60 for example)- Fixed some broken text files- Fixed spelling of Canal -> Channel- Tooltips for max speed and range added to subunits- Subunits now show tooltips when reorganizing a unit to help with who goes where.- Correct speed shown for unselected units in brigade builder- Tech settings from main game setup now makes sense and are used as loaded from save- Updated credits- added missing variables in call to arms messages- Fixed broken penalty tooltip for navies- Game results no longer appears outside boxes on end screen- Added german some translations- Localization text for the Soviet Industry event.- Fixed a few broken text lookups- Experience stars shown in brigade view- Fixed a lot of spelling and grammar fixes- GER's surrender and the DDR events are now major.- Fixed missing event texts for tech modifying event effects- Convoy raiding and convoy escort missions wont spawn arrival messages for each provinces if this is enabled by player.- Fixed localisation for event 518- Disorganized_officer_corps now has text- Fixed and issue with unit upgrade menu getting stuck at the top of the screen------------------------------------------------------------------------ AI Improvements------------------------------------------------------------------------ Updated with latest Lothos AI files.- Fixed an issue with ai making it bog down its advance in JAP for example- Vassal ai always accept alliance offers- Vassals automatically ally- Allies can now trade with each other even if not in faction- Autoassignment of leaders for ai (leaders are again assigned after purge etc)- AI will now actually promote leaders when needed for higher positions- Faction acceptance a bit less random now- Fixed an issue with ai settings at startup- Broken texts for faction progress fixed- Trade ai now more easily give up trades for less priority goods when getting broke- Fixed issue with ai sliders getting shifted- Player should no longer receive incorrect influence commands- Tech ai will no longer wastefully try for more officers- Ai more careful about joining alliances- Cleaned up dead script code for country diplomacy- UK tech AI focuses a bit more on naval tech- Fixed an issue with poland being accepted into axis- Yunnan no longer prio target for axis influence- Upped ai lower limit on accepting into faction to reduce randomness- GER should return Southern FRA provinces when they surrender.- Fixed incorrect date check in FRA script------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performace and Stability------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fixed a crash due to out of bounds country names- Reload debug menu turned off in release version- Proper UAC settings used for hoi3 app- Random numbers in event scopes optimized- Optimized tech ai- Fixed out of sync issue with naval combat- Fixed out of syncs during bombing in multiplayer- Optimized graphics updating of counters & avatars- Optimized slider AI- Fixed issue with leader ranks going out of bounds- Fixed a lua exception- Optimized trade ai a bit- Turning off game is now faster than a well oiled kitten- Fixed resign crash after loading certain savegames- Optimized trade ai calls- Fixed trigger crash- Fixed a problem stopping game from connecting to metaserver- Ai influence cancel commands only sent if actually allowed to- Fixed a multiplayer crash and corrupted saves when organizing constructions from licenses- Fixed a crash during air missions- Speeded up rendering for unit sprites- Fixed crash when giving strategic deployment orders to units during transport- Germany should no longer stick around as axis leader even when it doesnt exist------------------------------------------------------------------------ User Modding------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fixed some file names- Officer ration cap scriptable in defines.lua- Can now mod maximum practical tech limit. see MAX_TECH_ABILITY in defines.lua- Startup relations scriptable between nations- Script effect "fuel" for adding/removing fuel just like you can with other resources- Fixed an issue when reloading shaders- Experience indicator in brigade view separated depending on unit type to support modding- Leader assignment buttons now have different types depending on unit type to support modding- Fixed a bunch of places where map cache loading didnt check for moddability
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