Mass Effect Alliance Navy Skin

Box art for Mass Effect Alliance Navy Skin For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
Size: 1.96 MB
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As an avid fan of the Mass Effect series, I simply couldn’t pass up the opportunity to nab this file and review it before anyone else did! This is an Alliance Navy Officer Uniform skin, and being familiar with the Alliance uniforms in Mass Effect, I have to say that this is an accurate and well made skin. Not only that, but it is the authors first skin too! Impressive, most impressive.

Of course, there is one inaccuracy in that the naval uniforms in Mass Effect do not have belts, but as the author states in his readme, this was simply a limitation of the model used, and I have to say the belt doesn’t really look out of place at all, the buckle even features the Alliance insignia.

As far as improvements go, the only noticeable thing visually is that there are seams on the shoulders where the textures meet. I didn’t really notice any other seams on the skin, but the ones on the shoulders are noticeable and could do with some better blending together. The beard also should be a little darker, or the hair lighter, as they don’t fit that well together currently.

Other than that, the only issue I want to mention is that though there is a black version of the skin included, there doesn’t appear to be any icon in the skin selection menu to select it, though there is an icon in the .pk3 file. I am not familiar with skinning, but I can only presume this is a bug. You can however still use this skin by typing /model alliancenavy/black in the console. Personally what I would do for next time is use this black skin for the blue team skin, as the blue team skin at the moment is the same as the default skin. But that’s just a suggestion! Personally I really love the red team skin, red and gold is always a cool combination! Maybe for next time you could even use a sound-bite from Admiral Hackett for a taunt... ;)

For your first skin this is excellent work, and I hope you will make some more Mass Effect themed skins for us in the future! :D

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