Napoleons Campaigns Patch v.1.09

Box art for Napoleons Campaigns Patch v.1.09 For: Napoleons Campaigns
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version: v.1.09This patch is not compatible with saved games from versions earlier than 1.09 RC1.In all cases, the Saved Game Folder will be deleted.� Newest Game Engine [120413]� Fixed: Ledger no longer closes with � Fixed: Transports carrying large troop formations were pillaging ocean regions� Fixed: ''Looping'' patrol orders that plot the starting region as the ending region now properly move� Fixed: A 'stealthy unit' [undetected] cannot totally block gains in MC. A ratio of Patrol factors is used, with some MC gainedby a large force on the last day of a turn.� Fixed: Erroneous logic for Militia movement outside home area� Models, Units and text� Edited all LocalStrings to remove illegal characters (; and & and $ and '')� Added Localized text for model and leader element detail display� Reconciled all leader ranks and NATO symbols� Added ''Guns per hit'' to all ships [flavor only]� Improved LocalStrings for some Options� 1808 Spanish Campaign:� Added Service annual replacements� 1808 Finland Scenario� Unblocked pertinent Ocean areas, allowing full participation of Navies� Graphics� Fixed SPA Abadia Army Portrait(Unit_SPA_Abadia.png removed from \Armies&Fleets folder [erroneous graphic and location])� Added Swedish signature for Options� Major revisions to all options for all scenarios [Thank you Franciscus and Bohemond!!!]� Replacement options created for the 1804 (Flotille de Boulogne) scenario� Replacement options created for the Finland (Russo-Swedish war) scenario� Replacement options created for England in the August 1805 (Thames or Danube) scenario� Replacements quantities and types adjusted for all land scenarios, with the corresponding event messages and text updated� Concept:� Establish coherence among all the scenarios, using Boh�mond's options for the Prussian Campaign as a "template"(main exception being the 1815 scenario)� Avoid useless replacements (vd militia, light artillery for FRA or RUS), which was for the major part achieved (there arenow only some heavy cavalry that will be useless to Austria in 1814 and Prussia in 1815, but that's mainly all)� Create options for the Finland and the fictional 1804 (Boulogne) scenarios that had none� Give England forces replacement options in the 1805 August (Thames or Danube) scenario, they had none.� Give Austria cavalry and artillery replacement options in the 1813 and 1814 scenarios� Give Prussia cavalry and artillery replacement options in the 1813, 1814 and 1815 scenarios[RC4a]� Models� FRA- Honor� Reille now has French-Italian ability (FRA, KOI)� Conde de Resende Rank corrected for 1 Star model [was set as 2]� 1808 Spainish Campaign: [Major review and revisions]� Further updates to HistOptions08.sct� Replacements quantities and types adjusted� Event messages and text updated, and missing notifications fixed� Latest Game Engine (120315)� Added 'Distant Unload' to command buttons� Fixed Depot build notices and duration� Fixed bug where a lone Leader could contest a region's ownership, thus preventing depot build� Modified ''StaleMate'' end-of-game messages to be ''Victory (or Loss) by Points''[RC3]� Fixed 'flickering ledger' bug.� Thank you Bohemond for the comprehesive Database review and revision!!� Thank you Lafrite for the Python� script checking toolsSounds are now called by Alias� Consolidated Settings options files into single GameLogic.opt� Added parameters for Advanced Attrition and Movement Attrition� Corrected HistOptions08.sct� Updated 1815 Campaign setup� Corrected display names of two regions in Potugal: Lagos → Faro, Beira → Beja� Added NED to French-German multiple command ability� Command Abilities added to leaders to allow multi-national Division formation [Thank you Franciscus for detailed information]� FRA:� - Emmanuel de Grouchy now has French-German ability (FRA, NED)� - Andre de Lacoste now has French-German ability (FRA, NED)� - Antoine de Lasalle now has French-German ability (FRA, BAV)� - Charles Morand now has French-German ability (BAD, FRA)� - Joseph Morand now has French-German ability (FRA, RHC, HES, WES)� - Louis Chastel now has French-German ability (SAX, BAV, FRA)� - Louis de Beaumont de Carriere now has French-German ability (BAV, HES, WES)� - Philippe Ornano now has French-German ability (FRA, HES, BER)� - Jean-Gabriel Marchand now has French-German ability (HES, BAD)� - Etienne Bordesouille now has French-German ability (FRA, SAX)� - Alexandre Digeon now has French-Neapolitan ability (NAP)� - Jean-Baptiste Girard now has French-Polish ability (POL)� - Michel ClaparEde now has French-Polish ability ability (POL)� - Claude Pajol now has French-Polish ability (FRA, POL)� - Balthazar Grandjean now has multi-national ability (SAX, BAV, WUR, WES, POL)� - Gaspard Gardanne now has Multinational ability (FRA-KOI, SAX)� - Hermann Daendels now has multi-national ability (HES, BAD, BER, FRA, POL)� - Horace Sebastiani now has multi-national ability (POL, WUR, PRU, FRA)� - Pierre BruyEres now has multi-national ability (PRU, POL, FRA)� - Fran�ois Ledru des Essarts now has multi-national ability (FRA, NAP, WES)� - Jean-Thomas Lorge now has multi-national ability (POL, WES, SAX)� - Julien Mermet now has French-Italian ability (FRA, KOI)� - Louis Friant now has French-Italian ability (FRA, KOI)� - Fran�ois-Joseph GErard now has French-Italian ability (FRA, KOI)� - Jean-Pierre Doumerc now has French-Italian ability (FRA, KOI)� - Claude Michel now has French-Italian ability (FRA, KOI)� ENG� - Sir Charles Colville now has multi-national ability (ENG, POR, HAN)� - Sir Thomas Picton now has multi-national ability (ENG, POR, HAN)� - Sir Henry Clinton now has multi-national ability (ENG, POR, HAN)� - Sir Galbraith Lowry Cole now has British-Portuguese ability (ENG, POR)� - Carl von Allen now has British-Portuguese ability instead of Anglo-German one (ENG, POR)� - Sir William Stewart now has British-Portuguese ability (ENG, POR)� - George Townshend Walker now has British-Portuguese ability (ENG, POR)� - John Lambert now has British-Hanoverian ability (ENG, HAN)� KOI:� - Giuseppe Lecchi now has multi-national ability (commands KOI and POL units)� - Domenico Pino now has French-Italian ability (KOI, FRA)� SWI:� - Jean-Louis Reynier now has multi-national ability (being SWI, he commands FRA and KOI units)� PRU:� - Renbow now has multinational ability (PRU, RUS)� - Louis Ferdinand von Preussen, now has Prussian-German ability (PRU, SAX)� - Bogislav von Tauentzien, now has Prussian-German ability (PRU, SAX)� - Siegmund von Prittwitz now has Prussian-German ability (PRU, SAX)� - Tippelskirch now has Prussian-German ability (PRU, WES)� - Schutter now has Prussian-German ability (PRU, WES)� - Jagow now has Prussian-German ability (PRU, WES, BER)� - Steinmetz now has Prussian-German ability (PRU, WES)� - Pirch II now has Prussian-German ability (PRU, WES, BER)� BAD� - Royal Prince Karl-Friedrich von Baden now has French-German ability (BAD, FRA)� SAX� - Polentz now has Multinational ability (SAX, FRA, POL)� - Zezschwitz I now has Prussian-German ability (PRU, SAX)� WUR� - Woelwrath now has French-German ability (FRA, WUR)� RUS� - Nickolay Ivanovich Dpreradovich now has multi-national ability (RUS, PRU)� - Ivan Fedorovich Udom I now has multi-national ability (RUS, PRU)� WES� - Lefebre-Desnouettes now has French-German ability (WES)� - Dominique Vandamme now has French-German ability[RC1]� Numerous Setup, Models, Units, Alias, Text Localizations, Event-reference and Image-Reference corrections� Details may be found at� Thank you Bohemond for the comprehesive Database review and revision!!� Thank you Lafrite for the Python� script checking tools� Added Army Outliner:� This is a shortcut that will take you directly to your armies (star symbol) present on the map.� You see the portrait of the Army, nationality (background color and shield), army leader name and attached corps(diamonds on the side, they give indications in tooltips).� The displayed images can be "collapsed" or "expanded" by clicking on the small star to the left of the leader's name.
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