Panzer Corps v1.01 Patch

Box art for Panzer Corps v1.01 Patch For: Panzer Corps
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This patch will update Panzer Corps to version 1.01. Patch details are in the extended description.Changes in v1.01

New features
- "Restart Scenario" option from in game menu
- Window mode from in game menu
- Editor : Reinforcements are configured in unit details popup. Use "Edit trigger" button.
- Editor : AI actions are configured on the Actions tab in Edit->Scenario Params screen. Use "Add AI Action" to create an action that will dynamically change AI behavior.

Technical issues fixed:
- PBEM : Some MP games getting "dead" (the game freezes when trying to load the game).
Note: Existing "dead" games should load with 1.01 too. However, some of such existing games may not be able to show replay of the opponent's turn.
- PBEM : Claim button does not work
- SE units cannot be deployed if deployed last.
- Units with zero ammunition still contribute as mass attackers.
- Forts can be upgraded and given transports.
- On a joint rail/naval port, it is possible to load infinite naval transports under certain conditions.
- Turning supply off allows recon units to move an unlimited amount of hexes.
- Multiple ranged leaders allows half tracks to engage in range combat.
- Recon units with some remaining moves are not indicated with arrow and included in next unit sequence
- Hidden ground units stop moving ships, and vice versa
- Under certain circumstances the AI can assume control of player's units
- A lot of other minor issues (strings, cosmetics etc.)

Graphics/sfx issues fixed
- KV-2 has wrong icon
- Stuka D has wrong icon
- M12 GMC has wrong movement sound
- On ultra high-resolution screens (like 1980x1200) game setup and main screens have horizontal lines
- Italy-Sicily crossing not indicated in any way

Scenario issues fixed
- Stalingrad victory conditions are wrong
- A lot of other minor issues (strings, cosmetics etc.)

Scenario, equipment game rule balancing

Kursk scen
Corrected spelling Ponyn to Ponyri
Balaton scen
Two IS-2 tanks replaced for two T-34/85
Added custom strings for Lake Balaton tiles

Five IS-2 tanks replaced for seven T-34-85
Initial prestige for Axis increased for 200p
Per turn prestige for Axis increased for 30p
Fixed victory conditions for stand alone mode, Axis victory if all Allied units are killed

Sealion 40
London strenghten with two HW infantry, one paratrooper and one artillery

Germany (West)
Increase in Allied air force
Two P-51D, one P-47D, one Meteor
Added 4 Free French infantry
Fixed victory conditions for stand alone mode, Axis victory if all Allied units are killed

Added three Free French infantry
Fixed victory conditions for stand alone mode, Axis victory if all Allied units are killed

Germany (East)
Fixed victory conditions for stand alone mode, Axis victory if all Allied units are killed

Moscow 43
Soviet defense strenghten with 10 auxiliary strongpoints

Gustav Line
Scenario parameters changed from 9 days per turn to 8 days per turn
Core units for Allies set to 48 instead of 34
Allied force strengthned with 2 Free French infantry,
2 HW British, 1 British Engineer, US Rangers, 2 Recons and
3 Artillery

Fixed victory conditions for stand alone mode, Axis victory if all Allied units are killed
Added "OR" condition for campaign. Decisive victory if all Allied units are killed

Fixed victory conditions for stand alone mode, Axis victory if all Allied units are killed

Fixed victory conditions

-Addition of Free French changing equipment depending on year
-SA+2 for machine gun mounted fighting vehicles (M20 LAC, BA-64, Dingo, Matilda I)
-British, Soviet, US forces got late engineers with small adjustments to early ones
-Increased defense: Comet I, Challanger (A30), Sherman Firefly, Achilles, Archer, Nashorn, Marder IIA, Marder IID, Marder IIIH, Marder IIIM, SU-76
-Reduced initiative for AA, -1 light, -2 medium, -3 heavy
-88 reduced AA when in anti tank mode
-M3 Halftrack got "passive" air attack
-increased AD for hard target land transport

Early engineers replaced with late ones on following maps:
-Moscow 43
-Germany (East)
-Germany (West)
-Gustav Line
-USA East Coast

Low altitude penalty -5 instead of -6
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