Reds Cantina

Box art for Reds Cantina For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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A bar huh? "Hey, Can I get a beer?"
Bartender tries to pick up a beer.
"Some problem?"
"Yeah, I can't pick the bottle up."
"Oh? Why's that?"
"Em...well, it's kinda like, crushed into the wall - Damn these new 2D wines!"

Okay, that's not the most original script ever created, but you get the point. I think its high time people who make bars for JK3 should start using the 3D bottles that come as models, or create their own from patches and brushes. Especially when the entire map is focused around a bar, it just seems so plain when the best it has is the same texture you see in every other map with a bar in it. A 2D texture. In fact, it’s not [b]just[/b] the bottle texture which looks odd in this map. There's a fair few, including the red light used on the walkways and the one used on the tables.

The architecture is average at best - very blocky in places, but not so bad that you can condemn it ;) However, this is one of a surprisingly small selection of maps that has got a fairly good lighting setup - most of the lighting comes from sources. I'm not convinced the illumination on a few of the walls had a source...but I can't be sure, so I'll give the author the benefit of the doubt there. What was disconcerting though, were the missing textures (Grey and white squares of death) dotted around the room. Please people; is it that hard to test maps with a clean base before release? :(

The map does have a small outdoor section, which I assumed was some sort of car park, however when you look down you see a big black plain which appears from nowhere - very odd. Furthermore, there were ambient sounds that really didn't fit with the map - sounded more like machinery, and the lack of a good background track brings down the overall ambience. Also, for future reference, the author needs to caulk his hidden surfaces a lot better. It doesn't affect the framerate much on a map of this size and detail, but in larger more detailed maps, the framerate hit will be subsiantial, yet still not as hard as the hit I'm going to give you for not including bot support!

New Textures: Yes (But broken)
New Sounds: Yes
Bot Support: No

~Szico VII~
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