Description version: v.1.10.1[GENERAL BUG FIXES]- BUG_0253 Pressing X key works for non controllable units- BUG_0260 Pathfinding in narrow spaces improved[ MAP BUG FIXES]- BUG_0246 paradise found: cmdListAddNewDestination (0,0) after capturing vantage point...- BUG_0247 domebreach: 1500 nitrium ore not always given at map state- BUG_0248 swamps: strange sentinel units (initializing problem)- BUG_0249 assimilation: 2 of 4 snipersquads wont enter 2 transporters � hanging the script- BUG_0251 paradise found: At one point you get warned about units coming from the south but they never do, they always stay in that southwestern point.- BUG_0252 domebreach: cultists breaking through gap to the north of portal- BUG_0254 Domebreach: spawn handler gone wrong- BUG_0256 Cultrigs: Initial sequence � esc'ing it causes the sfx to mute