Young Rosh Roshs Son

Box art for Young Rosh  Roshs Son For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
Size: 1.68 MB
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Ah, my first review. I never thought this day would come, but here we are! Now to the actual review.

Here we have a Rosh skin, which uses the [url=";48472"]Younglings model[/url], and it was sent in by SiLink himself! [b]*Applauds*[/b] The only difference is that it's Young Rosh, or Rosh's son. Apparently, Mon Mothma is the mother, as you'll see if you read the description. I find this very awkward, and I'm so glad this never happened in the story, because we don't need mini Rosh's running around, now do we? =_O

This skin is very nice, and surprisingly good for a reskin of Rosh himself. At first, I thought to myself, ''Reskinning Rosh with the Youngling model won't work, will it?'' But, to my surprise, SiLink achieved that goal. I also noticed that he added the Padawan braid to his hair, which is a great touch, because it added more flavor and humor to the actual skin. The last observation I made was the new sounds, AHH! SiLink raised the pitch of Rosh's sound files, so [i]beware[/i] mortals! >_>

[b]Just so most of you aren't confused when you download this skin, SiLink forgot an icon for the model list, so you'll have to type this into your console to use the skin:[/b]

[b]/model youngrosh[/b]

The only problems I came across were some minor clipping problems, but most of you should understand that the skin is supposed to be small, and you can't really do much about the clipping. Other than that, this skin is fantastic.

[b]Remember to add this line of code to your modelscale.cfg in your japlus folder:[/b]

[b]"youngrosh" 0.7[/b]

Definitely worth a download if you're into comedic skins, and want a laugh.

[b]New Sounds: Yes[/b]
[b]Bot Support: No[/b]
[b]NPC Support: No[/b]
[b]Team Support: No[/b]

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