Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Star Wars Movie Duels 2 - Demo

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Wector's Movie Duels is back! All you fans of the original, and fans of SP mods, and those of you who are bored today, rejoice, for you shall not be disappointed!

This is just a demo of what is up and coming in Movie Duels 2.0. Obviously, it will be quite limited, but I think it's a good teaser of the mod to come. The main feature of this demo is Palpatine's Arrest, the duel between Mace Windu and Palpatine. You can play as either Mace Windu or Chancellor Palpatine.

Many of the saber moves have been changed. I was able to quickly adapt to the new setup...perhaps it is similar to the setup in JO? In any case, I think the attacks were [i]much[/i] better than the base JA ones - less delicate swinging, and a lot more hard hits and pokes.

I haven't seen Episode III in a long time, so I can't really say anything about how accurate (or inaccurate) the map may be, but it looks very nice to me, and it's the perfect size for a duel. I can't say much for the character models for the same reason, but again, they do the job well. I daresay the Palpatine model is spot on.

There are cutscenes between the different stages of the duel as well. Here's one thing I think should be improved, if at all possible...the characters walk down the hallway just doing a simple overhead swing unless their sabers hit. Needs to be a little more...epic, methinks. Some minor choreography would be just the thing.

The final cutscene of the duel is done pretty well for JA...again, I think it could be better, but it is good for Quake III. Palpatine is forced to the edge of the windowsill, and Anakin enters the room. After Palpatine is done blaming Windu for him zapping himself, you take control of Anakin, and you get to choose who dies. I very happily killed Palpatine. Twice. I had to suck it up for the third time just so I could see what happened when I killed Windu instead... XD And I wasn't disappointed in what followed.

After you've played Palpatine's Arrest once, there's still a little surprise for you! A make believe scenario has been created where Anakin chooses to fight Palpatine after he has revealed his sith identity. Palpatine pulls out his saber and the two have it out. Once you've run his health down, another cutscene plays...Palpatine pulls a little something out of somewhere. It makes sense that he'd have one hidden in his office, when you think about it. Great twist, I enjoyed it much.

So, what are you waiting for? Get it downloading! I'm not a fan of SP mods, but I'll have to keep an eye on this one for sure.

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