Battle Of Geonosis 125th

Box art for Battle Of Geonosis 125th For: Star Wars: Battlefront II
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Here's the file I mentioned yesterday as promised. P-Unit you can have the next two files. ;)

Let me start by saying that this map was [i]made[/i] for multiplayer. As you're making your way through the map it'll just scream "MULTIPLAYER" at you in a loud and obnoxious voice. Why do I say this? For one, the map is HUGE. I mean it's [i]really[/i] HUGE. The biggest map I can recall is [url=;63152]Raxus Prime[/url] and I think this is even bigger than that. Next, there are so many different kinds of gameplay in the map and so many choices. You can fly a drop ship, pilot an AT-TE, run it on foot, assist the Jedi, assist the acklays, or whatever. You really don't ever feel bored and that's what's important. Now I don't know if it works online but somebody needs to give it a try. Having a server with this map and lots of players would be a complete blast.

The map is an expansion of the original Geonosis map, which players can identify somewhere near the middle. The design is awkward, to be honest. To top it off the mini-map doesn't show all of the map so it's kinda hard to navigate around on foot. A better mini-map would be greatly appreciated. The terrain elevation isn't quite as smooth as I'd prefer. Be sure to use the "blend" tool when you're doing any work on the terrain height in the future. It makes it looks much more smooth and real... even though Geonosis isn't exactly smooth. I would also recommend using a variety of terrain textures on the cliffs and distant hills because from far away they have that terrain pattern that gives the environment a very artificial feel.

As long as I'm on negative side of the review I might as well point out some bugs I noticed. Some vehicles are missing sounds and some AI run into objects. There. That was easy. :p

Now back to the good. Oh, and how good it is! The map has a TON of features. New units, Jedi, acklays, some new vehicles, and some very cool weapons. I'm amazed at the file size considering how much stuff is packed into this map. Now going into detail over every little thing would take too long so I'll touch on some of the stuff I liked the most:

The ARC Commander. Best. Unit. Ever. He has this sweet gun that does all these different tricks. It can shoot a laser beam, create huge explosions, or just hit stuff with a big bang. It's great for taking out acklays and vehicles.

This map is litterally crawling with acklays -- especially near the spire. They're always fun to fight because they can kill you so easily... plus they're big. Don't ever try to take on an acklay as a Jedi or any kind of melee unit. If you see a Jedi running to an acklay call him over to you and run away because the acklay will just knock the Jedi down and poke him to death with it's legs. The best way to take out acklays is with projectile weapons -- specifically the ARC Commanders large gun. Also the AT-TE's secondary cannons can take one out with one hit, but be careful because they'll form a mob around the walker and moving becomes very difficult.

Also worth mentioning is the ARC Elite unit which has his own sword. Cool, huh? The map also features Jedi celebrities from the [url=;70164]Conversion Pack[/url] such as Luminara Unduli and Shaak Ti.

*catches breath*

I could go on and on about this map but I don't have the time and you don't have the attention span. The map has lots to explore. Download for yourself and try it out, you won't be disappointed. Excellent work for your first map Master Fionwë! I'm definitely looking forward to the final version!


PS: Someone put it on a server! Playing it by yourself is only half of the experience! :rock:
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