Labyrinth -Halloween Special- JKA EDITION

Box art for Labyrinth -Halloween Special- JKA EDITION For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Before I begin, I'd like to apologize to the author for not releasing this on Halloween night. I was having Internet problems, and you can blame that on Comcast. Although, I am reviewing it now.

Since this map was just converted from Jedi Outcast, I will just provide all of you with the original review of [url=";7261"]The Labyrinth by Claxon[/url]:

From the Author:

The Labyrinth is a large maze where players must find the best way to navigate their way around and defeat their opponents. Is it best to run along the tops of walls in plain sight, or inside the labyrinth to avoid detection until the time is right? In the center of the Labyrinth is a tower which can be entered to give players access to several sniper spots, but beware...whilst they give you a good view of the maze below, can be easily spotted. There are several small dueling areas, but almost the entire map is good for wall walks and fast, furious saber fights.


This map has many hidden features so there is always more to find. Oh and did I mention that it is haunted?

Couldn't have said it better myself. :D Fun map, many little death traps set around and I love the spooky sounds! The inside of that tower looks amazing too! Good job on the rocky surfaces, they came out well too, especially the bridge thing!
Now THIS is what I call a labyrinth. :D[/quote]

Do you know what I've noticed? All of the reviews from years ago were [i]so[/i] short and seemed like they had little effort put into them. I don't know, maybe that's just me.

Anyways, nothing really changed in the conversion process. I saw no major bugs and/or glitches. Usually you see them after a map conversion, but I didn't happen to notice any. If anybody finds any, feel free to list your findings in the comment section.

I'd like to say that there was a lot of good memories on this map. I remember years ago, on Halloween, I played on this map [i]all[/i] night long. Ah, the memories.. >_>

Overall, this turned out to be a great conversion. I'd like to thank the original author, Claxon, for a fantastic and scary map! Also, thanks to Azenin for the physical conversion. Once again, I'd like to apologize for not reviewing this in time! Nevertheless, this is a fantastic map. This is definitely worth a download if you played the JK2 version, or want to play an awesome Halloween map! :D

[b]New Models:[/b] Aye
[b]New Music:[/b] Aye
[b]New Textures:[/b] Aye
[b]Bot Support:[/b] Aye
[b]Gamemodes:[/b] FFA / CTF / TFFA

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