Mendilos: Polar Regions

Box art for Mendilos: Polar Regions For: Star Wars: Battlefront II
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Usually I don't recommend that people submit their first maps, and for good reason. It takes a fair amount of practice to really get the hang of it and to produce something of fine quality. Your first attempt at mapping will, more likely than not, be an ugly one. This map is no exception. I'll spare the embarrassingly low grade and lengthy critique of everything wrong with the map and just make two lists.

-New sides.
-No Yavin sky.
-Pirate wampas.

-Map is far too large.
-Elevation is steep and blocky; there's no blending whatsoever.
-Lack of barriers.
-Lighting is off.
-Not enough units.
-Gaps in tunnels.
-Looks like Hoth.

This is more of a test map than anything else. I do not intend to be mean and I do not intend to discourage but I suggest that the author better familiarize his or herself with ZE and that they practice, practice, practice.

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