Description Revamp Expansion Mod (RVE) A Supreme Commander 2 Complete Overhaul / Total Conversion Mod
Revamp will offer not just new units but a whole new way to play the game some mite call this a Total Conversion.
RVE 2.0
� ACU Spawn coded added based of SC/FA now spawn impacted debris that can be reclaimed.
� 2.0 now supports mass scaling unlike in V 1.05 were scaling was done by each units BluePrint.
� Ability independent upgrade system added (WIP).
�^ Some experimental units have independent upgrades unlike the upgrades in the research tree they only apply to that unit in general.
� Partial support for new ability's for the AI this will be a work around because all ability codding for the AI is located in the engine.
Mod Options VIA mod manager
� NOXPTORESEARCH (No Unit Experience to Research Points)
� UNITONLYCAP (Structures no longer apply to the unit cap)
� BLITZKRIEGAI (AI has unlimited Mass and Energy)
� ACUIMMUNITY (No more ACU rushing, ACUs can no longer attack each other until immunity timer is up time can also be set)
Research Tree
� Each factions research tree will get a overhaul which will be Tier based.
Tech Toggle
� New Tech toggle that supports 3 tier levels.
Tier levels
� Revamp offer real Tier levels.
� All units including the base SC2 units have been replaced into new Tier levels.
Nuclear Missile Defense
� Repeat build added to all Anti-Nuclear Facility's
� Units can now rank as high as level 50 built your ACU into the ultimate commander.
Damage Defects
� All units now lose a percentage of there movement speed and fire rate depending on how damage they are.
Shield Generators
� Shield Generators now consume energy and will shut off on lack of power.
� Shields now have a off and on toggle.
Mass Converters
� Mass Fabrication ability added (Off and On Toggle)
�^ Converters energy into mass using a drain based system can be left enabled for long run conversion will shut down on lack of power.
Research Stations
� Research Ability added (Off and On Toggle)
�^ Research is no longer free costs mass and energy to produce Research Points using a drain based system will shut down on lack of power.
Unofficial Patches
� RVE 2.0 also contains unit and bug fixes for a verity of problems.
� UEF Shield Bug has been fixed.
Minor Changes
� Engineers have been removed from spawn you start with only your ACU.
� UEF Field Engineers can now build and are the only builder that can build reflector walls. To install and launch this project use SC2 Mod Manager.