Description Supreme Commander 2013 is a mod for Supreme Commander 2, created by HoT_Ho11oW_PoiNT. Info:
Featuring Support Command Units, new air units, dozens of research tree edits and additions, bug fixes, feature refinements, extended plus easier to access economy bonuses, no more wasted research points, and more!
A 'scale mod' that changes more than just unit sizes. Basic units have been shrunk in size but now produce much faster. Projectiles shoot farther, and both units and projectiles move at more realistic speeds, so terrain and army composistion are more closely linked. View distances are also augmented. This is a playable Beta version of the mod, do not expect it to be completely bug free or balanced. Full changelog included in the�download, or there is a cumulative changelog in theModDB Features section.
This mod is meant to be played with No Exclusions in Assassination Mode on Normal Speed, and *needs to have DLC enabled*.
CHANGING THE UNIT CAP: Find a file called 'game.prefs'. It should be in C:\Documents and Settings\US;ERNAME%\Local Settings\Application Data\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander 2 where US;ERNAME% is the login you use for windows (or somewhere similar to this I am not familiar with all operating systems). Search for UnitCap and change to 1000, 2000, 3500, or 5000. It should default to 2000.
For best playing; In SupCom2's options, "Always Render Strategic Icons" should be set to "Yes", and Strategic Overlay should be turned off.
For best viewing replays; hold shift to see players build orders, or push ctrl+u to disable the rep